Get trained to host your own radio program!
11:25am, 1-20-2015
We began broadcasting the summer of 1990, after years of hard work by very dedicated pioneers. We're celebrating our 25th anniversary June 13th! Stay tuned to 90.1 FM, like us Facebook or visit here again for details as they unfold.
10:40am, 1-20-2015
Thanks to the Pacifica Radio Archives, KZFR broadcast a lost recording of a speech delivered by Dr. King in London in 1964!
10:52am, 1-19-2015
Much appreciation to everyone who took the time to complete these 2 Surveys and for sharing the link with friends.
12:41pm, 12-11-2014
Speaks on Music, Race & the Evolution of Cultural Freedom.
1:01pm, 10-20-2014
Please, complete the survey to help us understand the health priorities and needs of Butte County residents.
6:45pm, 10-9-2014
Thank you to everyone who made the Touch a wonderful event!
10:35am, 10-7-2014
Gathering to support women connecting with each other, the Earth, and themselves within an inspirational community.
4:47pm, 9-2-2014
3 days of Pride! Aug 22nd- 24th
1:54pm, 8-6-2014
Attn: Artists and photographers of all levels
1:16pm, 6-16-2014
An Experiential Workshop which will include Satsang and dialogue, meditation, oneness practices, and ecstatic chanting.
9:11am, 5-15-2014
Radio Programs available regarding the rights of Indigenous peoples.
4:55pm, 5-2-2014
While it is true that women are often involved in community radio activities and many small stations have dedicated programming for women, the stations are largely run by men
4:32pm, 4-11-2014
Crafts, games, music and more at the Chico Creek Nature Center
6:09pm, 4-2-2014
A free talk on helping children.
5:13pm, 3-31-2014
Will Durst Returns to Chico TONIGHT Fri, Dec 13th! Come early for the preshow "Meet & Greet" with Will. Sierra Nevada Brewery ale and Woodstock's pizza will be available.
10:33am, 11-29-2013
Thank you to everyone who attended the New Programmer Orientation. Now the balls in your court...
2:31pm, 11-8-2013
Sat, 5/11- Genfan brings the magic of her guitar to the 2Cool Cafe in Chico
11:06am, 4-30-2013
Thank you to everyone who walked & pedaled with KZFR!
11:02am, 4-30-2013