June 5, 2015: Monica Bell; Calling 4 Justice, Marc Thompson; The Elder Creek Center for the Land: Marie and Brien Brennan

Host: Monica Bell

Calling 4 Justice 

  • On-going segment demanding justice in the local unsolved murder case of Marc Thompson.

Feature: The Elder Creek Center for the Land

  • Interview with Marie and Brien Brennan, co founders of the Elder Creek Center for the Land, based on ancestral Nomlaki Territory in what many now called Red Bluff, California. We talk about land and watershed stewardship, the systemic and cultural underpinnings of California’s water crisis, and what people that truly love and are committed to this place can do to protect it. More info at www.eldercreek.org, www.subsistoration.org and on instagram @subsistoration

Spoken Word: Red Tail Hawk, Shannon Harney 


  • Gathering the Tribes and Prayer for Rain,The Polish Ambassador, Pushing Through the Pavement 
  • I Love California, Be Calm Honcho, Honcho Dreams
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