Make a Pledge and Have it Matched!!!

If you make a pledge during today's American Pastimes broadcast "Alli Battaglia and the Musical Brewing Company" will match your donation! Thank you Alli & the MBC!

Check out Alli and the MBC here: 

Bill Keith

In between pitching for pledges we'll feature lots of music including banjo music from Bill Keith, the innovative musician who passed away this week. Keith was a five-string banjoist who made a significant contribution to the stylistic development of the instrument in the early 1960's. He introduced a variation on the popular "Scruggs Style" of three-finger picking by adding finger picks and focusing on chromatic scales. This development became known as the "Keith Style" or "Melodic Style."

Kalimba Dan

And in our focus on melody American Pastimes will also feature Kalimba Dan Farney who should be showing up in person, kalimba in hand. He'll play some and we'll be checking out a couple of recordings of old local favorites The Butte County Ramblers (or perhaps they were The Bluegrass Bullies - with Lloyd Foote & Danny Van Meter) - recorded back in 1992 and featuring the kalimba wizardry of Dan. Bluegrass kalimba!! Only on American Pastimes. One more reason to call and pledge your support for KZFR Community Radio.
