Technology Advisory Committee

Call For Applications

KZFR desires to optimize and expand digital ways to listen to our programs. Our website and mobile app are two important ways we connect with our audience. Additionally, we want to explore new and emerging technologies that we might adopt in the future. 

The ideal Technology Advisory Committee candidate is someone who cares about community radio and volunteer work, work, and who has some background, knowledge, or interest in technology in relation to radio and communications. 

Who are we looking for?

We're looking for both technology experts and laypersons with a range of insight, experience, and engagement with the station. This includes experts in software technology, IT, graphic design, cyber-security, and online media. We welcome interested community members as well as KZFR staff, Programmers, and members of the Board of Directors. 

KZFR values diversity and welcomes applications from all members of the community. 

When does the TAC meet?

The TAC is expected to meet for not more than two hours quarterly, and as needed to address issues identified by station staff and Board of Directors. Meetings may be virtual or in-person. Once a year, the committee delivers a brief written report to the station's Board of Directors.