The first public workshop regarding the Esplanade Corridor Improvement Study is fast approaching.
Date: September 9, 2015
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Enloe Conference Center, Room 101 - 1528 Esplanade
The City of Chico is conducting a study to review potential transportation and traffic safety improvements to the
Esplanade between Memorial Way and 11th Avenue.
The purpose of the study is to engage the public in determining a package of roadway improvements for this key transportation corridor in the City which serves many trip purposes and modes. The study will seek to address traffic safety and operational concerns, enhance the corridor with complete street features, provide more facilities and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians while keeping the integrity of the “Boulevard” design, community character, and still maintaining traffic flow. Ultimately, the study will recommend improvements which will be reviewed and adopted by the City Council. With City Council approval, the resultant study will serve as a guiding document for a grant application to fund recommended improvements.
The Study includes a public outreach process to involve the community in helping to determine the type and location of improvements in the corridor. Please feel free to forward this notice along to anyone or group you think may be interested in getting involved. Two additional public workshops will be held (date yet to be determined). Information regarding the progress of this Study is available on the City of Chico’s website at: Contact - Please, contact Steve Weinberger, W-Trans, using “Chico Esplanade” in the subject line:
a) If you would like have your email added to this contact list,
b) If you have questions about the process, or
c) If you have Esplanade Corridor concerns you would like to provide to the project team.